ACLAB 14 will be held from 29-31 May 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand.
The 14th Asian Conference on Lactic Acid Bacteria (ACLAB 14) will be held from 29-31 May 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand.
ACLAB14 is centered around the theme 'Harnessing the Power of LAB: From Functional Insights to Agricultural and Industrial-Scale Production and Application.' The conference will include oral and poster presentations aimed at showcasing the progress made in LAB research, with a focus on the following areas:
►Probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics
►Microbial genetics and genomics for the next generation
►Microbial proteomics and metabolomics
►Microbiome and host-microbe interaction
►Upstream and downstream fermentation technology for foods and feeds
►Bioprocess and application of LAB
More Infomation: ACLAB 14