Abouts AFSLAB > Constitution and By-Laws
This federation shall be known as the Asian Federation of Societies for Lactic Acid Bacteria (hereinafter referred to as AFSLAB ).
This federation is a non-profit making organization whose overall aim is to encourage research, communication, and education in LAB-related sciences. The federation shall have the following objectives:
1. Enhancement of the communication and interaction between Asian scientists (academia and industry) who are interested in LAB and related subjects.
2. Facilitating the discussion and dissemination of the science of LAB through conferences, symposia and meetings, and publication of reports.
3. Promotion of the advancement of science and technology applied to LAB and their associated disciplines.
4. Promotion of public awareness in the knowledge of LAB in human health and diseases, leading to the improvement of the quality of life.
5. Assisting the LAB related industry to substantiate its development and growth.
1. Regular membership: Any society or specialized group from an Asian country/area* which is engaged or interested in advancing the objectives of the federation shall be eligible for membership, and becomes a full member upon the acceptance of application for membership and the payment of dues in accordance with the By-laws. (*The Asian countries/areas include Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam).
2. Individual membership: All individual members of the regular members of AFSLAB will be the individual members automatically. Any other individuals who are interested in advancing the objectives of the Federation shall be eligible for individual membership application.
3. Corporate/sponsor membership: Corporate/sponsor members are industrial organizations, production units, research and developmental institutions and laboratories, and any other bodies and individuals interested in the aims of the AFSLAB. They are admitted by the Executive Committee and upon their payment of membership fee.
4. Honorary memberships/fellow: Individuals who have made distinguished contributions to AFSLAB may be elected to honorary membership/fellow by the IEBC following the recommendation by an executive officer. The title is life long and waive of membership fee.
Section 1. International Executive Board Committee
1. The International Executive Board Committee (IEBC) shall be the legal representative of the Federation and, as such, shall administer the Federation’s properties and affairs. The IEBC shall be the policy-making body of the Federation.
2. The IEBC of the Federation shall compose of representatives of regular (country/area) members and immediate past President of the Federation.
3. Only one representative from each country/area will be qualified for IEBC member.
Section 2. Executive Officers
1. The Executive Officers of the Federation shall be a President, up to two Vice-presidents, a General Secretary, a Treasurer, a Press Relations Officer, and an Auditor. The President and/or Vice-presidents shall be elected during the IEBC meeting. The IEBC members who are present shall conduct voting by means of secret ballot. The other Officers members shall be proposed by the President and approved by the IEBC.
2. The term of officers shall be two years and the maximum term of service for an individual on the same appointment is 2 consecutive terms.
Section 1. President
1. Presides over all meetings of the IEBC and general assembly.
2. Implements all policies and programs promulgated by the IEBC.
3. Prepares plans of activities for the Federation in consultation with the IEBC and executes all approved plans.
4. Countersigns checks for payment and withdrawal slips from the Federation’s deposits.
5. Accepts donations, grants, gifts, etc. on behalf of the Federation.
6. Presents a written and oral report during the general assembly meeting.
7. Represents the Federation in any meeting or business transaction requiring the participation of the Federation.
8. Acts as convention chairman during the convention of the Federation.
Section 2. Vice President
1. Assists the President in all his functions.
2. Discharges the duties and responsibilities of the President in the latter’s incapacity or absence.
Section 3. General Secretary
1. Issues notice of meetings of the IEBC and general assembly.
2. Prepares correspondence for the Federation upon delegation by the President.
3. Prepares the proceeding of the national convention and other activities as designated by the President
4. Makes arrangements for mailing reports, publications/newsletters and other materials to the Federation’s members.
5. Records and keeps minutes of meetings of the IEBC.
6. Keeps all records and documents of the Federation.
7. Keeps an updated roll of members.
Section 4. Treasurer
1. Receives the Federation’s money, donations, grants, gifts, and bequests from the President.
2. Deposits the federation’s money in bank(s) duly authorized by the IEBC.
3. Disburses the funds of the federation upon approval of either the President or Vice President.
4. Keeps an account of all assets, credits, disbursements and finances of the Society, as well as properties of the Federation.
5. Prepares financial statements periodically as determined by the IEBC or as requested by the Auditor.
Section 5. Press Relations Officer
1. Prepares press releases regarding activities of the Federation.
2. Takes charge of the publication of the Federation’s newsletters, bulletins, website and other similar information materials.
3. Maintains the Federation’s scrapbook containing pictures and captions of the major activities of the Federation.
Section 6. Auditor
1. Examines and audits all financial statements submitted by the
2. Countersigns all cash receipts.
2. Conducts periodic auditing of all cash and non-cash transactions of the
Section 7. Immediate Past President
1. Serves to ensure the continuity of programs and activities of the Federation from the previous to the present administration.
2. Provides advise/counsel to the incoming IEBC.
Section 1. The dues shall be determined by the IEBC and will be collected annually. Failure to pay dues for two consecutive years will disqualify member societies from enjoying the rights and privileges as members of the Federation.
Section 2. The Treasurer will collect dues. The representative of each member country/area shall be responsible in the payment of dues to the Treasurer.
Section 1. The federation shall have three standing committees: Membership, Publication, and Awards and Finance.
Section 2. The functions of the standing committees shall be as follows:
1. Membership
a. Promote membership in the Federation by publicizing its aims or objectives.
b. Recruit new members for the Federation.
c. Screen/evaluate applications for membership.
2. Publication
a. Take charge of the publications of the Federation
b. Solicit items or articles from members for possible printing in AFSLAB publications.
3. Awards and Finance
a. Solicit funds for the Federation through donations,
contributions, bequests, grants, etc.
b. Plan and organize activities with other organizations/agencies.
c. Screen and endorse nominees for awards given by the Federation or other related organization.
Section 1. The IEBC shall hold an annual meeting (actual or virtual) and majority of the Board members shall constitute a quorum (i.e. one-half plus one).
Up to 3 individual members from each country/area may attend the
IEBC as observers.
Section 2. The General Member Assembly (GMA) should convene every two
years in conjunction with the Asian Conference for Lactic Acid Bacteria (ACLAB). A quorum for the member assembly shall consist of one third of the active regular members. The conference shall be held at the member country/area that will be agreed upon by the IEBC. The member society from the country/area where conference will be held will take the responsibility of hosting the ACLAB in coordination with the IEBC.
Section 3. The ACLAB shall be held for the presentation of scientific papers, exhibitions, and other related presentations. General Member Assembly shall be held during the conference.
Section 4. The ACLAB shall be held at a member country/area that will be agreed upon by the IEBC. The member society from the country/area where conference will be held will take the responsibility of hosting the ACLAB in coordination with the IEBC.
Section 5. A quorum for any meeting shall consist of one third of the active regular members.
Section 6. Qualified members shall personally vote once.
Section 1. The Federation shall have official publications (newsletter, website) whose nature will be determined by the IEBC.
Section 2. The Editors of the Publications shall be appointed by the IEBC.
Section 1. This Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by two-thirds majority vote of members attending the GMA and the adopted amendment shall take effect immediately.